Bridging, Connecting, & Inspiring Holistic Self-care for the Indy Community.

Posts tagged ‘holistic’

The “And Equation”

Not ‘versus’, but ‘and’.  Huh?… What is Jenn talking about?!  As I was just processing my thoughts and preparing to write  this entry that is what came to me, “It’s not ‘versus’, but ‘and’.”  Hold on and let me explain.

I started pitting Intentions and Flexibility against each other this week.  Unbeknownst to me initially and now I see that sneaky play in the game.  Give me the ball back – it’s my turn!

My play is practicing Intentions and Flexibility.

Does some of this seem familiar to you?

  • Work vs. Family
  • Fitness vs. Time
  • Fun vs. Household project
  • Responsibility vs. Relaxation

When we do this to ourselves, life is an ongoing competition and we are continually “losing” at something.  The reality is these all exist.  Life is about work AND family AND time AND so on.  When I realized I had created a power match between Intention vs. Flexibility, I reminded myself of the And Equation.

Intention is about aligning life with my values, passions, and purpose.  It’s creating goals personally and professionally from that and envisioning how that looks and feels.  It’s also about gaining focus and clarity on the steps along the way.  Flexibility is about being open to all possibilities and opportunities.  It’s realizing that things do not always work the way I plan in my mind and accepting things that seem uncertain.  I never know fully where a path is going to take me.  The more open I am, the more value I will gain.

So, back to practicing Intentions and Flexibility together.  We’re huddled to sketch out the game plan…  1.) Vision map posted and open to change,  2.) Schedule outlined and open to change,  3.) Weekly mantra posted and ready for more,  4.) Conscious of my energy and prepared for fluctuations,  5.)  Daily reflection of what emerges (expected and unexpected), 6.) Prayer and meditation and new support systems welcome.

I would love to know how you create Intention and Flexibility in your life!  Please do share.  It’s helpful to hear from others and to grow from your insight.  Pretty please share!

How do you practice Intention and Flexibility?

Synergistically yours,

Jenn Seffrin

P.S.  If you like what you are reading, be sure to Email Subscribe to this blog to get your weekly synergy boosts!

Ask For What You Want (Part II)

What did you ask for this week?  What did you receive?

Since I introduced part I of this at the beginning of the week, I’ve been extra aware of what I am, or am not, asking for.  I would ask myself, “Am I overlooking an opportunity?”  I patted myself on the back when I did ask for what I wanted.  I saw things I had asked for in the past coming into fruition.  And through casual conversation, I noticed when others were asking for what they wanted.  It was fun to see their excitement and joy from that.

A successful entrepreneur shared with me that they have been asking, for over a year, for what they want and it is beginning to pay off in big ways!  There are also a lot questions marks in terms of how everything is going to iron out in the end.  This offers two great examples…

Perseverance and Flexibility

You don’t always get exactly what you want immediately.  It doesn’t always look “to a T” the way you expect it to.  Don’t give up!  Remember the two words above.

So, I come back to ask you —  What did you ask for this week?  What did you receive?

Synergistically yours~

Jenn Seffrin

P.S.  If you like what you are reading, please SUBSCRIBE for weekly synergy boosts!


Ask For What You Want (Part I)

With the churning of 2012 off to a booming start, I see the importance of asking for what you want.  There are many ways we can ask for what we want, both outwardly and inwardly.  You can do this in so many ways.  Some examples are:

  • Asking your bank to review a charge that seems unwarranted
  • Searching for volunteer helpers with your move to a new home
  • Praying for answers and guidance
  • Calling on a dear friend during a moment of crisis
  • Asking the credit company for a reduced APR
  • Utilizing your network to find quality referrals for a project your working on
  • Using meditation, yoga, or exercise to process and call forward the energy you want (loving, cooperative, peaceful, abundant, etc.)
  • Asking someone you admire to be your mentor
  • Letting your significant other know what you are going through and what you would like from them (don’t make them guess)
  • AND ALWAYS, asking yourself to seize the moment!

Why always asking yourself to seize the moment?  Because it starts with your ability to take action and seize moments of opportunity!  Timing can be of the essence.  My very first example above,  “asking the bank to review charges”, is from a personal experience.  Last week, I was headed to  make a “quick” deposit when I remembered a recent insufficient funds charge that I felt was unwarranted.  I chose to take the opportunity and go inside where I asked the teller to take a look.  It proved to be very beneficial for me and I ended up with more money back in my pocket than I had even anticipated!

I saw another sweet example on the Ellen Show that demonstrates asking for what you want in a wonderous way.  I’m sure Pedro got more than what he even anticipated as well.  Check out the clip here!

So from very literal ways of opening your mouth and asking, to the biblical reference of, ask and you shall receive, it comes down to you.  Take action.  Seize the moment.  And know that you can create what you want.

I invite you to Ask For What You Want through rest of the week.  On Friday, I will share part II of this discussion and we shall see what you receive through simply asking. 🙂

Synergistically Yours,

Jenn Seffrin

P.S.  If you like what you are reading, please SUBSCRIBE for weekly synergy boosts!

Book: The Mastery of Love

Today I share a wonderous book I recently finished reading.  It is The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz.  A great parallel to the coaching process, Ruiz illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions  that we develop while growing up in this world.  His perspective is unique and comes from his ancestral roots in rural Mexico.  He is a nagual (shaman) dedicated to sharing the teachings of the ancient Toltec.

In the book, Ruiz explains how our fears undermine love and our loving relationships.  He opens you up to ways of healing these emotional wounds and places you at the force of your life so that anything is possible.

Ruiz is poetic and stretches your mind to open up.  I appreciate this book so much in the way it causes you to think.  I found myself not always fully agreeing, but then considering “what if?”, and figuring out how it fits into my life right now.  That’s the power!  When we stretch our minds in any way, any area of life, we’re encouraged to think for ourselves.  To be our power!  Here is a beautiful taste of what Ruiz has to say:

“The heart is in direct communion with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes; your heart opens another heart, and true love is possible.”  (pg. 190, The Mastery of Love)

If you have the book, look up the passage.  If you have the book and haven’t read it, maybe now is the time.  Go find it and share with me your reflections.

In Peace and Blessings this Holiday Season~

Always Synergistically Yours,

Jenn Seffrin

The Power of Words

We are surrounded by energy everyday and emit energy ourselves.  Through our actions, thoughts, feelings, and words.  Yes, our words!  They have an energetic pull and impact our experiences.  Take a couple of familiar words we say to ourselves – “should” and “want to”.

Should = feeling like you must or ought to; based on external notions about what is best; stems from expectations of being and doing all things (which is unrealistic)

Want to = certain; committed; aligned with values, priorities, and goals; empowering choice

Think about the messaging to yourself.  What words do you use that are empowering and what words do you use that create other less desired feelings?  I had one crop up into my awareness recently.  Let’s take a look.

One of my default tendencies has been to become overwhelmed.  Which in the past, as a means to cope, granted me permission to simply shut down.  Which brings us forward to present day…  I was having a very interesting, fun, and engaging conversation recently.  I thoroughly enjoyed what this conversation was about and the great ideas that were being generated.  It was good stuff!  Afterward, I said I was “overwhelmed” by all the possibilities.  I then immediately wanted to go home and clear my head as to release the feelings of anxiousness.  How did I have this cool conversation and now want to shut down?  Because of the word I chose, that’s why.  I wasn’t overwhelmed by the conversation.  It was “exhilerating”.  My antsy-pants and sweaty armpits were from excitement, not overwhelm.  When I realized that, it shifted everything.  I did not want to shut down but share my cool day with a close friend and consider more of what it could mean.

So, my new word is EXHILERATING!  For me it’s exciting and fun together.

What empowering word are you going to begin using?

Synergistically yours,

Jenn Seffrin

P.S.  Now that I realize defaulting to overwhelm is a habit, I’m paying attention to how that pesky booger is showing up in other ways.  Wish me luck!

Coming Attractions

A long time friend of mine was at a recent event and happened to meet a new (and dear!) acquaintance of mine, named Jenn.  Those Jenn’s are good ones! 😉  When I placed two and two together, realizing they had the pleasure of meeting, I thought of the song and common statement, “It’s a small, small world.”

What is it about these common connections?  It’s fun and exciting to me when so and so, knows so and so.  Or when I meet a person and we realize we know some of the same people.  It feels comforting.  And it’s more than just being part of a “small world”.

Our relationships are energy.  When we have these synchronistic encounters, the mystical and expansive universe is telling us something.  What?  Well, that’s up to you to determine.  The energy we place out into the world attracts other energy.  When you experience these synchronistic encounters, consider what you are attracting.  What is the universe sharing with you? 

By looking a little closer and deeper, you may find shiny new nuggets that add passion and fun to your every day.  Try it!  Don’t just accept what’s commonly said or held to be true.  Is it a small world or are you attracting?

Pay attention to the coming attractions in your life!  Please come back and tell me all about it.

Synergistically yours,

Jenn Seffrin

Mastery of Observation

Don Miguel Ruiz says in his book The Mastery Of Love:

“…we become masters of jealousy, masters of sadness, masters of self-rejection.  All of our drama and suffering is by practice.  We make an agreement with ourselves, and we practice that agreement until it becomes a whole mastery.”

The thing is we do not always do this consciously, with awareness.  This jealousy, sadness, and self-rejection becomes an automatic reaction for us because it has somehow served and protected us in the past.

As we hastily judge our everyday experiences, we beckon forward these reactions.  We consistently judge what’s going on in our life and this sometimes encourages us and other times deflates us.

What about practicing something different today?  A different mastery?  Begin playing the role of an aware observer in your magnificent life. 

Bruce D. Schneider shares a way to practice being your observer in Life Just Is.  Take 2 minutes and read it NOW.

Share your thoughts and realizations down below!

Synergistically yours,

Jenn Seffrin

Nancy Drew to Spiritual Adventure

For many years I’ve been aware that I’m on a spiritual adventure in this life.  I don’t remember the defining moment that I was “aware” but I know it became stronger when I allowed myself to spread my wings and move away from small town Indiana.  Listening to my inner voice, and knowing it was what I was meant to do, enabled me to soar.  That voice had been talking to me all through college.

I’ve felt a sort of rekindled wondering and spiritual connection recently.  It’s been brought forward through some great books.  Nowadays I’m drawn towards books that are centered in spirituality, personal growth, and holistic ways of being.  Books that stretch my thoughts and mind just make me excited!  So, from Nancy Drew to Jessica Maxwell, they both make the inquisitive mind happy.

Jessica Maxwell’s book, Roll Around Heaven, is my recent completion.  As an adventure/travel writer, she keeps you captivated in the story of her journey.  A journey, that she says, became an accidental spiritual adventure.  Reading Roll Around Heaven has me sitting here sharing with you one of my spiritual turning points.  So tell me,

When did your spiritual journey begin?  What is calling out to you now?

Pay attention to things you deeply enjoy – food, music, scents, people, places.  Allow these things to speak to you and always listen to your inner voice.  I’m starting my list and after spiritual books and meaningful conversation comes Thai food!  The spicier, the better…what does that mean?  😉

Synergistically Yours,

Jenn Seffrin

p.s.  I just might have to check out a Nancy Drew throw back, along with Mike Dooley’s Manifesting Change, during my next library trip.  Keep you posted!